Saturday, December 12, 2009

Testicular Cancer More Condition_symptoms Testicular Cancer?

Testicular Cancer? - testicular cancer more condition_symptoms

Recently I discovered a lump in the middle of the testes, particularly between the testicles into the skin. No pain or irritation forever. Even though I have some internet research on testicular cancer, which was not widely used in answering my question. I understand that Yahoo Answers very useful. Can you please help me before I make an appointment with my doctor?


the little star guy said...

Go to a doctor as soon as possible testicular cancer is a very unpleasant disease. Could a cyst is a cyst is a sack of fluid on the edge of the ball of the Uruguay Round. If the cancer and U-Mass is difficult to say goodbye, to say the ball DG ur, were

the little star guy said...

Go to a doctor as soon as possible testicular cancer is a very unpleasant disease. Could a cyst is a cyst is a sack of fluid on the edge of the ball of the Uruguay Round. If the cancer and U-Mass is difficult to say goodbye, to say the ball DG ur, were

syrious said...

Perhaps one of these stones often form in the veins of the testicles, but the other cases of cancer are usually not painful or painful until they are well advanced, and it is too late to save the victims. Questions, you reduce your MD as soon as possible, and fear.

Iplayado... said...

So people can go to study medicine, and urologist. They will help you. At this moment I have my hands in the NADS, I can not say if they do not either.

alison s said...

The malignant testicular tumors occur most frequently in men between 20 and 40 Deaths appear less frequently in white men and less than 1% of people with cancer.
Things that are carcinogenic to the scrotum suspected to be in front of the scrotum unjury, namely infection with mumps virus or the use of DES during pregnancy mrums (with you).
You can make a crawling sensation, the feeling in the scrotum. A swollen testicle or a painless mass. Other signs of testicular enlargement breast enlargement, lethargy and pallor. You may feel a smooth mass and the lymph nodes in the testicle area.

Your CD for the analysis of serum (blood test) for tumor markers. To recognize computed tomography (CT) urography, chest X-ray (the secondary), Lymphangiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It would also require a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and to help stage the disease.

Inculde treatment of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy .. It depends on the cell type and tumor stage.

The prognosis depends on the cancer cellL type and stage. If treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and raiotherapy. 100% of patients with stage 1 or 11 to survive for 5 years.

I hope that you will immediately see a doctor.
All the best Alison.

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